Sunday, December 30, 2007
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Roller Runner on Temple Square
That was my boy on Saturday; of course I only let him use his roller runners on the outside of temple square and when we got to the gates, he had to shut them down. He had a great time on the hills; Bay & I each grabbed a hand and went "full speed ahead." While we were heading uphill with him, Bay being the wonderful, tormenting, big sister that she is, threatened that she was going to let go and let him fly backwords downhill. One older gentleman exclaimed as he passed us, "He's the smart one!" and another lady as I apologized for making such a racket right behind her stated that she wished she had some. So, all in all we had a lot of fun and entertained a few people along the way. Bailie and Durham took a bunch of pics with their new cell phones that they gave to each other early for Christmas, and since they are the only ones with descent cameras, if their internet could get fixed, Bay would send me some pics and then I could share them with you, but til then, this blog remains very lengthy in lavish lingo.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Cozy & Warm & Quilted
Did I mention cheap? Yeah, cheap! For $11.99 I bought a queen size quilt that is full of that wonderful color orange, many various shades of it, and also purple and green. For those of you out there that think that orange is orange; (you know who you are) I am here to assure you that it is not! Orange is cozy & warm & quilted! And for those of you who helped me put my bed together so that I am not scrunched in my son's twin anymore, I have to thank you and since Braxton doesn't necessarily visit this site, being that he is four, please let him know, Maria! (love you:) Oh wait, he probably already knows; we did a high five and tested it out! Very cushy!
"Oh Sure Ya Can, Deb!"
So, I have this awesome little nephew, and if I tell him that something isn't working, he always says this to me, "Oh sure ya can, Deb!" and wha'dya know, he's right! So, thanx to that little man, I will say this to myself when things are going wrong. Thanx to him, I found my boys' Christmas present that I put in a very special place. Little people are so smart.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
911; AGAIN
Ok, for those of you (since there are so many readers out there) that don't know, my mom fell and shattered her tibia about 7 weeks ago. She also broke her R forearm in two places, and had to wait for surgery until some of the swelling could go down, so a week later, she had surgery. Well, on Monday, Mom and I are sitting at the table talking, and she says her stomache hurts, and then she starts hollering, and pretty soon she can barely breathe and the hollering just gets louder. She can't talk, and she looks as if she is going to stop breathing, so I ask her if she has chest pain, and no, besides, the pain is on her right side, so, I'm reviewing my CPR in my head, but the pain continues, and I am not sure what is going on, so being the experienced nurse that I am, I call 911, lol, and as soon as the paramedics arrive, the episode has passed, and she has little residual pain, and tells them she is not going to the hospital. She has a follow-up appointment with her Doc. as soon as she is able to walk, to check out her gall-bladder for inflamation or stones, or both. She is just having so much fun!
Squashed Bug
Well, after my little multi-tasking incident with a trailer, Miller's autobody in Logan took some pic's and about two & a half weeks, and made the bug shiny and new again. I came out of it without even a scratch, the bug took it all. I wasn't even that shook up, except for when I had to pay the bill. I was mostly focused on the beauty of it, however, and the fact that my car cannot be renamed, Mater, anymore.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Prior to Durham Getting His First and Only Cavity in a Deciduous tooth...
He kicks butt in basketball with a win 16-8; a single player against a duo. He said he worked for it! The end.
Walkin' in a Winter Wonderland
SNOW! Nice and crisp and light, fell today. Makes the night brighter and with a full moon, very beautiful. That's it, that's all I have to say about that. Nope, something else pops into my head; looks like Christmas. Ok, I'm done, you can get back to missing out on my amazing talent.
Trivia A:
Nixon was the first U.S. Pres. to speak at a General Conference. (I know you were just dying to know)
Ok, so we bring Mom home from getting her cast off at the MD.'s office yesterday, and she stubs her L GR toe hard into the rise on the step. She needs that side of her body as it is compensating for the jacked-up R side. She says she thinks she might have broken it, but no, this morning, it is sore, but tolerable. It isn't broken and she can still cruise around in her speed-mobile chair and get up to the counter to accomplish various wheelchair ineffecient tasks, such as doing dishes, eating, laundry, etc. Whew, that's a relief! The good news is that she got the cast off of her RUE today, and she only has a brace. She is ecstatic to be able to wash her arm in a manner to which it is accustomed. Maybe in 5 weeks, the RLE will be ready for PT and some weight bearing, minus any stool-stepping; she is banned!
Summons Gotta Give!
Ok, in Jeff Foxworthy's "How to Talk More Better Fastly!" he uses a word and changes it's meaning in red-neck dictionary format. So, there you go, that is what my hidden meaning here means in the title, unless of course it's still hiding from you. I can't help it if it chooses to hide; play the game.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
What did the head-turkey leading the revolt against Thanskgiving Day say to the reporter?
"You only like us for our breasts!"
Why would you invite OJ for Thanksgiving dinner?
Because he's good at carving white meat.
What is the turkey's favorite song?
"I'm dreaming of a white Christmas"
"You only like us for our breasts!"
Why would you invite OJ for Thanksgiving dinner?
Because he's good at carving white meat.
What is the turkey's favorite song?
"I'm dreaming of a white Christmas"
Well, for those of you out there experiencing difficulties during the holiday season; I feel your pain, however, I thought I better recognize the things that I am thankful for. So, here's my little list.
- My kiddos
- My mom (and her house)
- My step-dad (whom I am getting to know)
- My littlest Spanish sister, 'Ria
- My step-sisters (getting to know them too)
- The internet
- My snap-orange, chic-transportation with no overbite
- Nursing degree
- Sleep when it occurs at night instead of during the day
- Improving health
- Cheese (I just love it, really I do!)
- Fat (since losing 10 lbs., my coccyxectomy site hurts when I sit; or should I say I miss my deriere`and I'm freezing cold
- Thermals that I've worn since October (well, I do change into clean ones daily, not to worry)
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Why Not Multi-Task While Driving?
Well, any form of multi-tasking while driving doubles your chances of being in an accident; as I am told by my little trivia-loving girl; putting on makeup, changing your pants, or eating a salad from Fredricko's (good as one might think that it is). It is not worth the risk to others, self or loss of said salad (not to mention the body work on your vehicle). So, take it from me, do not drink & drive or for that matter, eat & drive. Not a good combo., even if you are in a rush! (so what else is new?!) More trivia from Bay; Who was the first U.S. president to speak at a General Conference?
Monday, November 12, 2007
My Achy-Breaky Heart
Of course I miss my kids like crazy; this is only natural. I am their mother. I watched them as they grew from tiny babies, into little toddlers that could manuever about the house with lightning speed. Bailie liked to blaze the trail in her walker proving that in fact, she could go wherever she wanted to (on the first floor). Durham, didn't like to be caged; he'd rather get around slowly on his own without some contraption holding onto him; free. I used to call him the great Houdini because anywhere I placed him that had a strap or a belt or two openings for his legs, he could get out of it; no matter how tight. The great Houdini. Then handing Durham over to the surgeon, Jimmy talks often of this; how difficult that was for him; for me, that part was ok, I felt he was in capable hands, the part that was so hard for me, was when Durham had to fast at 3 weeks old for 24 hours prior to going in to surgery. He hollered out cries to let me know that he was hungry; not angry, just letting me know. That was difficult, but not nearly so as when he stopped crying for food, it was like he knew he wasn't going to get anything from me, and so with his good-natured spirit, he realized there was no point in crying about it, so he stopped, even though the hunger was still there and getting stronger. He stopped crying. So, I was beside them, but not nearly long enough; Bailie was 7 & Dee was only 4 1/2 when Jimmy got Spinal Meningitus and I took him in for brain surgery to relieve his intracranial hypertension with a shunt, and not long after, I decided that I needed to go to nursing school to take care of the family. I realized this morning however, that the ache in my heart for them is more than just being with them and caring for them; more than just being their mother. Bay & I went everywhere together. Jim used to work long hours, sometimes not even coming home at nite, and so it was Bay & I against the world, and then came Baby D, and he joined us in our travels, to perhaps Bay's horror, and Durham didn't like it any better than Bay did; shopping is just not a boy's inborn gift, but when we found out that the boy was born with a basketball in his hand, then when we got a chance, we would head out to play a game, and he didn't like it if I went easy on him; he wanted my full game. Now, he's hitting every shot, and it is me that needs him to go easy. Anyway, I understand that it's more important for me to be their mom, than for me to be their friend, but the truth is that we have been good friends also, and I miss them so so much! I miss my shopping buddy, and I miss hitting the hoops with my boy, and where are those wonderful stories that I love to read so much; well I suppose they are still there; hidden in the treasure of a child's book. For a girl who didn't feel that she had much of a childhood; well I got my second chance, I did, but like an adolescent who's grown up and moved on to adult responsibilities, I wish I could go back to my youth; relive the wonder of it all over again!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
"My Car has an Overbite!"
So, ya wanna hear a funny story? I walk into the Cutrubus in Layton, (who can fix my ailing VW bug,) I believe, or maybe it is still Kaysville, I have difficulty discerning the bounderies, and I say to the serviceman at the counter, "My car has an overbite!" He says, "Explain that" and I say, "Well, I ran over a foot-high boulder out in Heber, and upon impact, it ripped off the entire grill; my car has an overbite" He is laughing, and says, "an overbite, huh?!" "Yes," I reply, "an overbite" He assessed the damages, and it'll cost me about $1000 smackaroos just for parts. I've got a $100-500 dollar detuctible to pay and I can get it's mouth worked on; hopefully on Monday. So there ya go; crazy thoughts from an insomniac in Kaysville, Ut.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
So, I didn't get the pinata of last year from Durham, or the birthday banner from my Bailie Sue, no breakfast in bed and nothing from Jim from Alco. (what a gift in and of itself!) But, I got to talk to my Suzie Q online which was awesome because turns out she feels more comfortable talking online and she was her usual chatty self; talking about nothing in-particular and enjoying every minute of it! It was so fun! I didn't get to talk with the little man; he did however, present himself when he delivered a barf-flavored jelly bean to his sister, and she was not impressed! Surprising, really. It was then my nite to cook, and so I made Swedish meetballs, and green cookies. I never did get to the cake I was going to bake; probably tomorrow instead. 'Ria had to head out to her soccer game regardless of the fact that she can barely walk & so Braxton and I hung out, however not before listening to Grandma and him singing zippity-do-dah...and watching the Jazz. Interesting combo.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Monday, November 5, 2007
Carpe' Diem; To Seize or not to Ceize the Day
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Soccer and a Movie anyone?
So, Sat. nite Lindsey & Ann invited us to go to the movies, but 'Ria was playing soccer that nite also, and so, we kind of split, if ya know what I mean, Durham went to the movies, and Bay, Braxton and I went to 'Ria's soccer-heading game. I wasn't sure whether to cheer her on or go get the paramedics. She headed the ball a couple of times and got crunched by some huge guy on the other team, who I swore aloud on the bleachers,(sitting there by myself) that I was going to have to kill. Check over the right & left shoulder, hmmm... noone seemed to care. Fine, so I have no eye witnesses. Perfect! When the game ended I asked her if I should make sure she & Brax got home ok; she smiled and said she was fine. So, as we arrived home, she said that she felt like her toenails had been bent backwords. Nice, so upon inspection, we find that, yes, bilaterally her big piggies are a lovely shade of torquoise. Not a good color for toenail polish I warn you, even without the pain. She walks really funny and I told her it was a good thing I had her to help me carry in the heavy stuff prior to this event. She did not even smile at me; which I assume means that she does not think that I am funny. However, I do, and this is fine with me. What did the little mom say for her specifically not to do?! (Not to get hurt!) Well, this is minor, however she has a game on Tues. and I don't think the flip-flops she's been wearing around the house are gonna cut it. Go figure! She scored 2 points for the team, but was ticked about that, because if she were a guy, it would have only been 1 point.
Friday, November 2, 2007
My Ultimate Gifts
The kids came up tonight. We didn't have too much time together, so we ate shredded beef taco's; 'Ria's specialty, and Durham ate a whole soft taco. He started out with a half, but soon progressed to the other half. I was super happy about that. Then, we watched the ultimate gift, which I thought was very significant, because not only do I owe my children lots and lots of gifts, but they are my ultimate gifts & I need to take care to give them all the best tools and blessings that will help them in their lives...this is my mission!
Monday, October 29, 2007
My Summer Skies with Breezes

Like sun & sand
Or air and land
The summer skies with breezes
I miss your eyes,
Your tender cries
And tucking you in at night.
All warm & cozy
Burrito rosy
Apart… brings so much aching
Belonging there with my little pair
To shelter, bless and keep you.
The land it groans when split
Together, you are it
And I, the land
Will take your hand
Together cross the barriers
Like sun & sand
Or air and land
The summer skies with breezes!
Or air and land
The summer skies with breezes
I miss your eyes,
Your tender cries
And tucking you in at night.
All warm & cozy
Burrito rosy
Apart… brings so much aching
Belonging there with my little pair
To shelter, bless and keep you.
The land it groans when split
Together, you are it
And I, the land
Will take your hand
Together cross the barriers
Like sun & sand
Or air and land
The summer skies with breezes!
Sunday, October 28, 2007
A..mazing Corn!!
The kids and I got some hot cocoa to warm up on a chilly nite before heading out to the corn maze. The corn was good! No, really, it was less claustrophobic than I had imagined it would be and this was disappointing as we were hoping to get a little lost, like you do on paper, only personally. Durham was a little scared of the dark even with the full moon shining on us like a lightbeam. Then when his Dad and he hid and jumped out at Bailie and I, he seemed to forget all about the dark and needing a flashlight. Dad told him it was funner to be the thing in the dark than to be scared of the thing in the dark. Bailie then decided that screaming that high-pitched shrill squeal of hers would be an excellent entertainment for the masses; this she did at intervals. We did hear horses hoofs pounding towards us at one point and that made the heart pump just a bit, but then it stopped, so this is how we made our way through the maze. We will try a different version of the corn maze next year. Bailie did decide that she needed to take a souvenir ear. So, to the people of the corn harvest: "I'm hungry and I appologize!"
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